Community Guidelines

Be supportive.

Please encourage and support your fellow community members. When you shine the light on someone else you shine too.

Share generously.

Your ideas, questions and experiences may be exactly what another member needs to hear today to solve a problem or seize an opportunity. Celebrate what you have to say!

Listen without judgment.

Compassionate listening is a core value at Narrative Healing. Please be respectful of each other’s voice, story, intention and handle with care. Hold space for each other exactly as you would hope others would hold space for you.

Protect each other’s privacy.

What is shared in our community, stays in the community. Please ask each other's permission before sharing anything you read or hear.

Show respect.

We won’t tolerate hateful language of any kind, this includes but is not limited to discriminatory, hateful or abusive language related to race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religion, body size, visible or invisible disability, age, level of experience, spirituality, nationality or anything else. If you experience or witness anything that makes you uncomfortable in any way, let us know and we will take action.

Don’t spam, promote or solicit.

This community is not a place to spam, promote your services, or bully anyone else. Keep the focus on community engagement, and sharing rather than transaction. Please do not promote or solicit events, workshops or other services. This is also not a place to recruit. Narrative Healing is a trademarked service, please do not use this brand or create adjacent threads or related services without permission from us.

Speak up.

Let us know if something is bothering you—or inspiring you! We are here to help, and are committed to developing this community as a robust and secure container for creativity, vulnerability, connection, and learning. You can send Lisa a direct message through the Kajabi community, email her at [email protected], or reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any concerns or would like to review any of this with us.